Mamp for windows alternative
Mamp for windows alternative

  1. #Mamp for windows alternative for free
  2. #Mamp for windows alternative install
  3. #Mamp for windows alternative pro
  4. #Mamp for windows alternative software

You can now make changes to your page or test new plugins and templates without modifying your live page. Import an existing WordPress site from a live server into MAMP PRO. Your project can go live with just one click. Simply enter your live server credentials into the new remote tab and select the database to transfer along with the root directory. The desktop web server app can publish your WordPress hosts. Publish WordPress Hosts to your Live Hosting Server "We have additionally integrated the DNS-O-Matic service." Now you have a huge selection of Dyn-DNS service providers, many of which are free of charge. Once again, the possibility of setting up any number of virtual hosts is convincing in order to be able to offer alternative configurations or suggestions. This makes it very easy for clients and interested parties to access the results of your work very quickly via the Internet. With the program, you can easily connect your local server to an existing dynamic DNS provider, such as. All the recipient has to do now is click on the link and the host you would like to share will automatically appear. Your e-mail program opens and the corresponding URL is automatically entered in a new e-mail. You want to keep your boss or a colleague up to date? This is now very easy via Activate the corresponding option and click on the sharing button. Extras can also be installed on existing hosts. When you create a virtual host, all you need to do is select the desired extra and everything will be installed automatically. with a few clicks.Īn extra is a package of a web application or library that we have previously tested and configured under It.

#Mamp for windows alternative install

Install Extras like Joomla, Drupal, Grav, Media Wiki, phpBB, Opencart, WordPress, etc. The editor has all the modern features like auto-completion, syntax highlighting, etc.

#Mamp for windows alternative pro

Whether you want to make a simple change to one of your projects or start a completely new one: With MAMP PRO text editor you can just do that, either locally or remotely on a server.

#Mamp for windows alternative for free

It is available for free on the App Store and Google Play Store. Testing your projects on mobile devices on your local network has never been easier - thanks to the Viewer App for iOS and Android. Unlike the free app, the cloud function is already included in the app. You can also use the cloud feature to back up individual or all hosts. Now you can work on your projects on different computers without any problems. The root directory of the host and its databases are backed up. With the Cloud feature, it is possible to copy all or individual hosts to your Dropbox. This is useful, for example, if you want to check if your projects are running under a certain PHP version. You can choose from a variety of PHP versions from PHP 5.4.x to PHP 7.2.x In module mode, you select a PHP version that will automatically run on all your hosts. This allows you to test your projects with different PHP versions - without having to restart the servers. In CGI mode, you can run each of your virtual hosts with its own PHP version.

mamp for windows alternative

This allows you to work on your different projects in parallel without losing sight of the big picture.

mamp for windows alternative

For example, choose if you need an Apache or NginX web server, which PHP version is needed, or if and which caching system is used. Each host can be configured individually and thus adapted exactly to the target system. With this desktop app, you can create as many hosts as you want.

#Mamp for windows alternative software

In its stable server environment, you can install Apache, PHP, and MySQL with incredible ease and be sure that your projects will run on them without a problem or compatibility issues with other software packages on your system.Īs an added bonus, all that you need to remove the tool from your computer is to remove its folder, and the rest of your system will continue working as if MAMP for PC was never there. If you are working on several other projects, be assured that the installation of MAMP will not jeopardize your previous work. MAMP PRO is an absolutely free development package that enables users to quickly and effortlessly install a local server environment on their Windows computer of any kind.

Mamp for windows alternative